Getting To Know Us

Going to a new church can be bewildering, with loads of new faces, names and events. Please be patient with us! There are some ways you can quickly get to know us better.

Say Hi!

Rugby Baptist Church is a large church; please make sure you say hello and introduce yourself to our ministers or people around you.


Stay for Coffee

We have coffee in the side hall after our morning service. Chatting over coffee is one of our favourite things.


Join a House group

Once a fortnight, small groups meet in one another’s houses to look at the bible together, pray together and get to know one another. It is one of the best ways to make friends in church and grow in your faith. Click for more details.


Find out about the Christian faith

We regularly put on special events to help people explore the Christian faith without obligation.


Drop in for a cuppa – any time

One of our ministers is often around in church, and they are happy to chat over a cup of coffee. If you are worried nobody will be here, phone the church office in advance.